Swiss Choreographer & Art Director
Marine choreographs dance theatre that links culture, business and society.
Inspired by societal themes, Marine choreographs for atypical spaces as well as for the stage. By telling our stories, she give places a new dynamic for people to engage with.
click to the sides to discover the past productions

Originally from Geneva, Marine Besnard trained at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance, Leeds (UK). She has worked with British choreographers such as Akram Khan, Company Chameleon, James Cousin, Lea Anderson and Jessica Kennedy in Dublin. In 2014, she completed a Masters in Arts Management in London and founded Marine Besnard Choreography.
In 2017 she worked for ZUP, the successful production of La Compagnie Urbaine in Geneva, as assistant to the Artistic Director. In 2018 she danced for Jozsef Trefeli and Mike Winter for their latest creation at l’ADC, Geneva. As a choreographer, she has created and toured five productions, as well as various short-films. She has also been commissioned to create pieces for Muda Kunstzentrum in Gent and the ZHDK, Bachelor for Contemporary Dance in Zürich.
Recently, Marine partnered with leading global brands. Together they produced powerful performances and visual content to uniquely communicate their core values.

"les cinq danseurs ont su créer un bref instant magique, une bulle onirique en marge de l'épuisant marathon des courses du samedi."
Pascale Zimmermann, Tribune de Genève du 9 mai 2016"les cinq danseurs ont su créer un bref instant magique, une bulle onirique en marge de l'épuisant marathon des courses du samedi."
Pascale Zimmermann, Tribune de Genève du 9 mai 2016Gallery